
Friday, June 1, 2018

Hunk of the Month: Benjamin Tang

It's June finally! Say goodbye to the skin-prickling and irritating heat of summer! We may get rid of the dog days ( for now ), but the DEMIGODS team is still here, ready to bless your feeds with the hottest features from your favorite hunks! and for this month, We're so thrilled to feature one of our most-beloved hearthrobs coz he's back and here to stay! 

#FlashBackFriday? better! We first saw him as a the Devil in Coca- cola's TVC way back in 2008. This hunky head-turner is an in demand partner of big-time female celebs for print and TVC's and a face to many local and international brands. Here's DEMIGODS' freshest interview to the breath-taking and TANGtalizing Hunk of the month, BENJAMIN TANG!

Photo credits to:Advan Ramirez

*How does it feel to be back in the Philippines, what made you decide to come back, and how long are you gonna be here?

 It's great to be back in the Philippines. Although Manila has so much traffic and pollution which I'm dreading, the Philippines has so much beautiful nature to offer, so this time I made a commitment to get out off the city at least once every 6 weeks. I just came from Calaguas, probably one of the most amazing islands I've seen so far.

Photo credits to: Benjamin's Ig account

I had a break from the modeling industry in Asia for a few years. After I finished college in Scotland my wife and I were looking for a new country to go to. Not only a place but also a purpose. So after a while it became clear to us that Philippines is a country with great opportunity to bring positive change.
I'll stay as long in the Philippines as I'm serving that purpose here. Probably for longer.

*What makes your day busy?
 Besides doing castings, fittings and shootings for modeling, I also film and edit quiet a lot. Filmmaking is   my big passion. Besides work I also love to get together with friends, go to the gym and spend time with   my wife.

*How's married life so far?

Photo credits to: mattsphotosuk

We just had our fourth anniversary last month and our marriage is at it's best so far. That doesn't mean that we don't face challenges, but it's how we go through them together that makes the difference. We grow deeper in love and stronger as a couple.

*How would you describe your modeling career when you started here several years ago and now that   you're back?

 Some things have changed, other things are still the same. The last time I was here I was very outgoing,   always in the center of things happening. This time I'm more private, and enjoy a different lifestyle.   There  are so many new models, photographers, fashion people in the industry, but I'm always happy to   see a familiar face.

Photo credits to: mattsphotosuk

*I've seen your interview in 2016 about your life story and it was inspiring. Having said that, Does your faith plays a big part in choosing what projects you're going to take?

Ohhh yes! Faith plays a vital part in my life, and of course it spills over into my work and influences what projects I do. But not in a religious, self-righteous kind of way, but rather coming from a place of a clear conscience and prioritizing my heart to let’s say money or fame. Faith for me is trust in my creator and that His plan is better than mine.

*We noticed that you've been posting some of your works lately.  Are you going to be active now in     social  media like fellow model Hideo?

Photo credits to: Doc Marlon 

For the longest time I've avoided being active on social media, and only used it as a tool to keep connected with friends and family around the world. But I do realize that it is quiet important today, at least in my line of work. So yeah... I'm a bit more active now. Although I don't want it to become my life, just a small part of it.

*Do you still have plans of entering showbiz?

 No specific plans of entering showbiz, but if there is an interesting film project to be part of I'm game.

*Got some fashion/fitness gigs/events lined up for you soon?

 I'm on a few options for upcoming television commercial shoots.

Thanks, Benjamin! And See you soon!

Lucky Serenity

You can follow Benjamin on Instagram @ and his fanpage on Facebook: