
Thursday, June 21, 2018

Get to know Male Model and Artist Arthur Tselishchev


When I first saw his art which he posted on his social media, I was a bit doubtful that it’s really his work because it was too good. But then he continued posting more stuff and realized that it was really his works. He made waves during his latest stay in Manila, more as an artist rather than a male model.

Let’s get to know more of Arthur Tselishchev after the jump…

Arthur Tselishchev

     Name: Arthur Tselishchev

     Height: 182cm
     Eye Color: green/blue
     Hair Color: brown
     Nationality: Ukrainian
     Current Location: Ukraine

What are the 3 words that best describe you:
Explore, learn, develop

How do you keep in shape?
I used to be very chubby till teen age, then I realized that I have to change something in myself and decided to take sport seriously and of course my lifestyle. From that time I regularly spend decent amount of time at the gym or simply doing street workout.

What is the best fitness tip that you can share?
Consistency along with right food are the keys to succeed in fitness. Also if it doesn’t seem to work well enough perhaps it’s time to change workout program. Likely there are a lot of good trainers at the gyms or internet.


What are the things you love to do aside from modeling?
I love architecture and design which was my degree at university.
I’m also passionate about art and new technologies, that’s why I became teacher at animation studio along with making paintings and artworks. Aside of that I also work as a fashion photographer for various magazines and brands as well as playing music as a DJ for fashion shows, events and clubs.

What are the things that you find attractive in women?
I love intelligent women with sense of humor. Of course great look is a plus.


If you weren't a model, what job would you be doing?
Modeling gave me so much opportunities from traveling the world and experience the cultures to meeting greatest people who I learn and get inspiration from. That’s why I work in different industries interchanging my skills and knowledges in all of them. But my goal is to pursue my design and architecture path.

How do you find the Philippines? What are the things that you love about it?
I fell in love with the Philippines from my first day here. Initially I didn’t know anything about the country, because it’s not most popular destination for Eastern Europeans, so I thought I’d come here for a while to see these amazing beaches and travel around. But on my first minutes when I got to the capital business district I realize that the Philippines has huge potential, not only in fashion business but also economical aspect. Of course people are the factor that makes the stay here unforgettable cuz Philipinos are great people.


ARTHUR TSELISHCHEV is Ukrainian model, artist, designer, fashion photographer, and DJ.

Tselishchev graduated from Art School and National Technical University in Ukraine with Interior Design degree.

He’s been working in New York, Shanghai, Bangkok, Taipei, Seoul, Singapore, Manila and other cities modelling for biggest Asian and European brands.

At the same time Arthur photographs editorials for international magazines and does fashion photography workshops sharing his experience. Aside of fashion photography he has passion to architecture and portrait photography.


Arthur Tselishchev is also a DJ who plays in various clubs and bars, and being invited to spin for big corporate events, store openings and fashion shows.

As an artist he always explores new art styles, but he’s specialises on Academic Drawing, Watercolour painting, Urban and Figure sketching. Arthur has done illustrations for various interior design/architecture magazines. He enjoys all of his passions which compliment each other and gives him more ways to express himself as an artist.

You can check Arthur’s works at

Follow him on Instagram @arthurtsofficial

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Interview by Jayson Dima-angay

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