
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Kyle Clarke: Your New Guilty Pleasure

Hola Demifriends! Lucky Serenity here!  Have you heard about E!'s new reality series, “What happens at the abbey?” It aired 2 weeks ago, May 14, 2019 and I’m (very) lucky  to chat with its resident “Bad Boy” (I don't think so), Kyle Clarke.  Kyle is one of the top Male Fitness models in the US and works as a Bartender at “The Abbey” , a world- famous  Gay bar in LA.   Despite his busy schedule as an Actor, Fitness Model and a reality- show star,This hunky lover boy gladly answered some questions I prepared for him. Let’s put the spotlight to our Demigod of the hour and get a glimpse of the real him. We're about to find out if he's household name worthy or is he going to be America's latest douchebag ;)

Fun facts: 

- He has a sweet tooth
- He 's a former Captain in the Army
- He played as Lieutenant Nicholas Raine, The protagonist in the RPG, "Rage"

1. What made you say "yes" to  "What happens at the Abbey" (WHATA)?

At first I was kind of hesitant about the show, since it’s reality TV and I’ve been in LA pursuing acting for 5 years.  I thought it might ruin my chances at other roles, but then I realized that the entertainment industry has changed and there are no more rules. So I shot the pilot and the network loved it.  I actually had a different love interest in the pilot, and her and I have been through some crazy stuff. She eventually said no to the pilot, and along came Marissa 8 months later.  It was definitely a lot of fun and a lot of stress shooting season 1 of What Happens At The Abbey.  I love all my castmates, but one, and am so happy that I said yes to this opportunity.

2. Why do you think you're you called the "Bad Boy"? and what's with the pizza emoji? ( lol)

I’m called the bad boy strictly based off my looks. I treat my girlfriends like royalty, and I like to only date one girl at a time. The comment of me taking a different girl home every night couldn’t be farther from the truth.

And the pizza emojis are pretty accurate for what it is at the bar.  I have met a quality girl at the bar once or twice, but the majority are girls that go to bars all the time and give their number to a different bartender or guy every night. Not really a special type of girl. I throw away about 10 numbers a night. Whether it’s left on the receipt or handed to me. When people ask me for my number, I take theirs instead, and then it usually ends up in the trash. On the rare occasion that I do exchange numbers, I save it with the pizza emoji so I remember where I met them.

3. The Abbey is a gay bar so more or less, you're not homophobic. (right?, LOL )  How do you deal with gay admirers?

Not homophobic AT ALL. In fact, a lot of my closest friends are gay.  I don’t really think it matters nowadays. If a guy comes up to the bar and gives me a compliment, I say thank you the same way as if it was a girl. And women can cross the line just as much as guys. I’m pretty safe behind the bar, but if a girl or guy tries to grab me while I’m walking to the restroom or around the club, I swat them away or protect myself.  People at the Abbey are VERY handsy, so I usually have one hand in front of my crotch and the other helping me push through the crowds.

4. Have you always been a party boy?

I’ve never really been a party guy.  I’d rather stay home most nights than go out.  I’d rather go to a lowkey bar than a club.  I’d rather drink wine than do shots all night.  But…. When it’s time to go out, I’m ready to go.  I’ve got some really great friends so when they want to go out, I try to say yes at least twice a month.

5. What's usually people's first impression about you?

I have no idea. You’ll have to ask someone that’s met me!

6. If you could give your name an alias when it comes to sex, what would it be?"

Ummmmm. I don’t know. But I’m a generous lover. lol

7. What's the craziest thing you've done after getting drunk from partying/clubbing?
In college I remember (well, I don’t remember but I was told) scaling a 5 story hotel building and jumping from balcony to balcony.  That’s when I realized I couldn’t drink vodka red bulls all night long and that after one or two I needed to switch to Vodka sodas.

8. If you could come up with name of a drink that represents you, what would it be?

You know, E! asked me this as well and I immediately said “I’m not a fucking drink.”  Not sure why this question was so weird to me, but I eventually said whiskey neat.  But seriously…. Strangest question I’ve ever been asked twice.

9. What do you like and hate the most about being in a club?

Clubs have changed a lot in the last 20 years. I remember as a kid you would go to a club and actually meet people. You would go there with your friends, meet girls, and even make new friends with the people that worked there and the other people that came to have a good time.

Nowadays, the clubs are all a big “who’s who” where everyone is too cool to talk to new people. The music is way too loud, the dance floor is tiny and the tables are everywhere. If you don’t have a table, don’t bother going. And you literally only talk to the people you came with, while everyone is snapchating and IG storying the DJ, the bottles at the table, and themselves. I prefer lounges and bars.

 Photo credits to: D'Andre

10.What turns you off in a  girl?

A lot of things turn me off in a girl. Respect for others has to be at the top of the list though. I remember I went on a first date with a girl and she threw her gum on the ground while we were walking into a restaurant. I was done at the moment.  I remember another first date the girl brought her dog. The dog took a shit and she got out the bag, looked at the shit, and didn’t pick it up. Kids were playing in that lawn and I’m sure someone stepped in it and it ruined their day within an hour of it happening. I gave her one more shot though because she was pretty cool other than that, but quickly got tired of her entitlement and moved on.  So yeah… respect is huge to me.

Stupidity is a close second. I need a witty, sarcastic smart ass of a girlfriend. If we can’t banter, I’ll get bored.  If the girl is just clearly dumb, I can’t be around her.

11. If Koda could speak, what would would she say about "her daddy's" job at the abbey and Marissa?

Koda would say something like “Dad, this place needs to let you bring me with you so that I’m not alone for 8 hours every Thursday night. I can’t make drinks, but I can sit on the counter or you can hold me and I bet you make more tips because of how adorably cute I am.” Unfortunately, I’m way too busy to have her there, and I try to take her to the park every Thursday and Friday so that she chases the squirrels and enjoys her time alone.

She is pretty indifferent about Marissa. She’s only really liked two girls that I’ve dated. I don’t really think she likes sharing my attention with anyone, so the closer a girl is to me, the closer Koda has to get to make sure she’s competing for affection.

12. What's your take about big age gaps between a couple?

I think if the guy is older than the girl, it’s not a big deal at all. When my friends date younger guys, I try to explain to them how boys in their 20s think.  I sure wasn’t ready to settle down when I was in my early 20s, so I try to explain to them what to expect. With two boys or two girls, I have no idea.  I try to stay out of other people’s lives. If something makes someone else happy, and they aren’t harming anyone else or themselves, I don’t have a problem with it.

13. You're an in demand Fitness/ book cover model, Is there a theme or concept that you'd like to try in the future?

I’d like to do more black and white stuff.  I love all the old actors like James Dean, Paul Newman, young Marlon Brando, young Clinton Eastwood. I’d love to recreate some of the themes from movies like Cool Hand Luke, A Streetcar Named Desire, Rebel Without A Cause, etc.  My goal is to be a leading man actor like these guys, so imitation is the highest form of flattery, right?

Photo credits to: Michael Stokes Photography

14. We've seen you in batman and gladiator costume during Halloween. What hunky costume do you have in mind if there's gonna be a sexy themed party at the abbey?

I worked 1 Halloween at the Abbey in the last 5 years. I was Top Gun and I’m surprised I didn’t’ get fired that night. Roughhhhhhhhhh night that I can’t really talk about. But, I purposely take Halloween off because A. it’s my absolute favorite holiday, and B. I don’t want to lose my job.  I love to do group themes, so hopefully this year I can get a good group together either in Vegas or LA and go have a blast somewhere.  I’m all about the superheroes, so hopefully a new film comes out before Halloween with new ideas, or I’ll just have to dig into the archives and redo something better than it’s been done before.

Thanks, Kyle! xoxo

Catch Kyle on What happens at the Abbey only on E!

Follow Kyle on twitter: Kyle_clarke 
Instagram: Kyleclarke
KiK/Snapchat : kyleclarke13 

You can also visit his website at:

Photo credits to: kyle's Facebook and Instagram page(s)