
Friday, April 8, 2016

Caliente Calix

Caliente Calix

Ola, Demifriends! It’s been a while since I posted an interview with a breath-taking Demigod, and now I’m back with a summer surprise! I’ve actually talked to this hottie in February and I thought he had a bit of Filipino blood in him, but zero. Anyways, since I also had a lot of things on my plate, I figured I’ll introduce him to you in this April heat! Get your fans and towels ready as we get to know this stud muffin, Calix Quan!

Name: Calix Quan      
age: 28
Nationality: Salvadoran - now american citizen, live in AZ.
Height: 6'1"   
stats: 30 waist, shoe: US 12, Shirt: L weight: 187lb

Tell us how you started modeling and what was your life like back then?
 - I originally started modeling at the age of 19...for a few months. I gave up on it when I thought that my look was not marketable at that time and got busy with school ,work and life in general. It wasn't until last year when I competed in my first bodybuilding competition at age 27, that I decided I wanted to give it a shot. The world has changed much and has become much more diverse. 

How did you land a job in the Philippines? Is this your first time in the country? and what's the difference between the modeling industry here and from other countries?
- My manager Tobin Alexander brought me to the Philippines for Pilipinas Men's Fashion Week 8. It was my first time in the Philippines yes! and it was a very exciting, unique experience. I find that the Philippines is very appreciative of beauty in all forms and it is refreshing to see how the culture is so diverse and open-minded in that respect.

Walking for Yako Reyes, Dave Ocampo, and Edwin Uy in Pilipinas Men's Fashion Week 8

 What did you enjoy the most about the Philippines? any memorable experiences?
- I absolutely looooved Tapsilong! and I loved just the culture in general. People are very friendly and I felt very welcome everywhere i went. The most memorable experience I had was that all the waitresses at a restaurant stopped what they were doing as soon as I sat down and asked if they could take a picture with me...I hadn't spoken with anyone so they didn't know I modeled for sure. But they seemed to know. I was flattered and honored.

( I'm guessing it's Tapsilog. excellent choice! ) 

Do you already have a favorite Tagalog expression or any word you would always remember?
- Hindi ako murungo mag Tagalog :)...I had to use that several times because people would talk to me in Tagalog as soon as they saw me. They thought I was a Philippino mix. 

( I think what he meant was, "Hindi ako marunong mag tagalog".  ;) ) 

Is there going to be a next time?
- That's the idea :), hopefully towards the end of the year I can plan a full 2 weeks of work.

Do you do other stuff apart from modelling?
- I have worked for AAA for 8 years as a logistics supervisor. I do go to school for Japanese and international business. I speak Spanish, English and Japanese. My goal is to join the US foreign service someday.

 What are your everyday must-haves?
- Protein, gym, and good food :).

 What do you want to achieve in terms of your modeling career?
- This is an experience for me, I hope to take it as far as I can. Mostly because as a kid I never thought I would be able to model, so now it's more of a challenge to prove myself wrong.

Are you a Partygoer, a Backpacker or a Homebody?
- Im...a bit of all. I can party but I don't drink unless its a social engagement (even so...I don't usually drink to get drunk). I love to backpack and my dream is to backpack across Europe all the way to Japan, starting in England. Someday I will carry out this dream :). I do love to have a place to make it a home, I am known to not bring many things to my house but only things that are either special to me or things that have unique appeal to them.

How do you prepare for a Photo shoot?
- Gym, gym gym...and bodyscaping. I also moisturize well and drink a lot of water. I like to think of myself as a blank canvas. I take pride in bringing as much natural beauty as possible so make up or photoshop is not needed much or at all. 

 Have you ever done nude modeling? your thoughts?
- I have done some nude modeling. Nothing full frontal. I believe the body has the capacity of being portrayed artistically, with class, without being vulgar. I don't do nude for just anyone, I have done it only once and it was "implied nudes" and it was with a well known, extremely talented photographer (Matthew Mitchell). 

We visited your Personal FB page and we noticed a bit of geekiness in you. Kindly share something about it?

- Yes of course! I am a geek at heart. I used to watch a lot of anime in my teenage years. Even though I don't get to do that anymore because of time restraints, I do continue to buy video games lol. Currently I am playing Youkai watch and starcraft II - Legacy of the void. Im a huge techy as well...I like to keep up with technology and ready science articles.

If you could cosplay a super hero or a cartoon/anime character, who would it be and why?
- I have cosplayed Nick Wolfwood (Trigun), Gohan (DBZ), Dante (Devil May Cry). I have always wanted to cosplay Nightwing - I love the fact that he uses alternative weapons that no other superhero uses, his story is complicated and has  a lot of depth, and he's one of the few superheroes that I wouldn't have to wear a wig or dye my hair for. Also...not going to lie, I think I can pull off the body now, something that I never thought I would be able to do when I was younger :).

( Can't wait to see you in Nightwing's suit, Calix! ) 

Do you have a cheat day? What's your fave cheat food?
- Ha!ha that's an easy one. I do have a cheat MEAL only, on Saturday nights. I usually have an In-and-out double-double burger with 2 cookies, fries. 

Fast talk:

Boxers or briefs?

Modeling or Body building?
This is tough...LOL love them both. Modeling I think. 

Hot or cold?

Traditional or Liberated?
Liberated (with a hint of traditional)

Favorite part of your body?
My abs & legs 

Please promote your social media accounts or if you have a fan page:
FB:Calix Quan
Twitter: Cuxto
Tumblr: Keelix

Thanks for your time, Calix! Hope to see you in the flesh when you return!

Photo credits to: Jim Cauthen Photography
                  Wei Ramos Photography
                  Matthew Mitchell 
                  Yhuong Botor
                  Louie Parinas for ICON magazines
                  Tobin Alexander 
                  and Calix Quan's Facebook page :)