
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Mystery Pinoy-Aussie Hunk, heats up Cosmo Carnival 2015

It was the scorching 39-degree Manila heat that compelled Australian actor/model Francis Mossman to take his off his shirt and use it as a sweat rag at the 2015 Cosmo Bash.  Exposing his sculpted Wolverine-esque chest and torso, the half-Pinoy hunk immediately turned heads in a meerkat manner, culminating in a crowd of admirers rushing towards him, iPhone cameras at the ready.  Flattered by the requests to pose beside admirers, and being the polite people pleaser that he is, the muscled charmer greeted over 100 instant fans, some of whom recognized him from his acting and magazine work and social media. 

photo credits to: Ryan  Sedan Photography

This was just part one of Francis' impromptu meet-and-greet; after relocating to the Cosmo media wall to get his photo taken by the modeling agent who brought him to the event, ladies and ladies at heart formed a queue which cut the SM MOA concert grounds in two. Despite his protestations that he shouldn’t have even been in front of that wall, Francis is clearly Cosmo hunk material, and it wasn’t long before people started referring to him as the “mystery 70th bachelor”. Not only does he have the looks and charisma, he demonstrates a quality rarely seen with someone of such calibre: genuine humbleness. The accommodating interactions he had with his new fans went above and beyond what anyone was expecting. He offered hugs to everyone who approached him, honoured requests to carry people in order to simulate the cover of a hot romance novel, and simply laughed when the cheeky ones would grope his muscles. Not even the heavy rain would deter him from honouring photo requests from the queue of enthusiasts; an organiser had to save him from being soaked by cutting the hour and a half photo op short. Even then, he offered his sincerest apologies to the crowd and, on the way to shelter, snuck in some selfies with the truly committed. This is the kind of Pinoy celebrity we need. So, Demifriends, let’s hope and pray we get to see even more of him next time. And it’s looking increasingly likely that we will as he plans to work here in the Philippines, where there is already a place reserved for him in our hearts.  

Now, enough with the intro - let’s get to the main dish with our man of the hour, Francis Mossman.

( with his brothers from left to right: Jeremy Mossman and Laurence Mossman, 1/3 of PRIMO )  
- First of all, though it's kind of late, welcome to the Philippines! Why are you here and how has your stay been so far?

Thank you so much! You are all so welcoming here!
I'm here primarily to see my family. My brother, Laurence is an artista who lives here now, and the family have come to see him and meet other members of our extended family who we haven't seen since we were toddlers! I'm also here to get a feel for the entertainment industry as I'm planning on doing some work here. It's been a very interesting journey so far and it's only been a week! Everything here is so dramatically different to where I am from (New Zealand and Australia). It's really opened my eyes in so many ways.

- Aside from the Cosmo experience, what has been the best encounter in the country to date?

I love how warm, welcoming and humble everyone here is! It's something that I have always loved about Filipinos and why I am so proud to be Pinoy. Choosing the best encounter is a tough one because about 95% of the Filipinos I have interacted with have been amazingly lovely to me. I think meeting the other two members of my brother's band 'Primo' at Resorts World would rank near the top. They are the nicest, funniest, most talented boys and I'm so ecstatic that my little bro gets to regularly share the stage with such genuine, down to earth people.

- Tell us a bit about your personality. What makes you happy? What motivates you and what ticks you off?

I'm happiest when I'm working as an actor or doing something creative like modeling or writing magazine articles. I feel like I'm being productive and utilizing my skills. Oftentimes acting and such can be a challenging process, but ultimately that is what makes it so rewarding. And I'm usually surrounded by crazy, talented, funny, equally passionate people which is one of the main reasons I love it so much.

One of the things that has motivated me to succeed (or at least try my hardest to succeed) has been my desire to prove certain people wrong. The experiences I have had of unsupportive people doubting me, putting me down or saying I can't achieve something continues to drive me to this day. Don't get me wrong, I am in this industry because I love the work and am passionate about the craft, but the entertainment industry is a tough one, and the need to prove something to others and ultimately to myself only adds fuel to the fire during the tougher times.

Arrogance ticks me off. I cannot stand arrogance or rudeness. There's nothing more attractive than someone who is humble and polite. Fortunately, most Filipinos I have met have demonstrated a great deal of both humbleness and politeness.

- Favorite Actors?

Gillian Anderson from The X-Files is my favourite actor. I've been following her work since I was a kid and every moment she has onscreen is truthful and full. I'll watch any film with Leonardo DiCaprio in it twice. I also love Jennifer Garner because of her dimples and how lovely she is (she actually named my puppy for me recently: Hudson Hays).

- Any dream roles or scenes?

( Scene from the TV series: Spartacus )

An action role would be awesome as I am quite physical. But I love scenes which require a lot of emotional depth. They demand a lot of preparation and focus and are the most challenging yet gratifying scenes to film.

- How long have you been a Fitness enthusiast?

I have always been quite diligent with regards to keeping fit, more so when I was introduced to the gym at college. But to be honest I only enjoy it about 50% of the time! (Laughs.) Working out feels like a job much of the time. You have moments where you enjoy it, and moments where you wish you could just go home to bed and watch TV. But I've been reminding myself lately that no matter how I'm feeling before and during a workout, I always feel amazing when I've finished. It's an incredibly fulfilling feeling to finish something you don't necessarily want to do in order to better yourself. Winners do things losers don't want to do!

- You've got artistic/daring photos which have featured in DNA Magazine. How did you get into it and what made you decide to do pose for them?

I was asked if I wanted to do a shoot for the magazine and it was something that I never thought I would be fit enough to do. So I was very flattered. I find the process of photoshoots hard work; there's the training, the diet, the dehydration before the shoot, the self-consciousness, the posing when you're often very uncomfortable due to being near-naked, cold, hungry, covered in canola oil... (Laughs.) I haven't been comfortable with my body until recently, and there are many moments when I'm still not. But it's liberating to just not care about it anymore and get way outside your comfort zone.

- Which part of your body do you like to work out the most?

Probably chest, tricep and shoulders - the pushing exercises! I dread working my legs. Don't talk to me before a legs workout because I will be cranky! (Laughs.)

- Rate your hunkiness from 1 to 10 and tell us why?

(Laughs.) Oh, no! Don't make me do that! I don't see myself that way at all. I see myself as a big dork. 3/10 for hunkiness. 10/10 for dorkiness.

- What is sexy to you? When do you feel sexy?

I think sexiness is confidence and a sense of comfort in your own skin. I unpredictably oscillate between that comfort and discomfort. But it's okay, I embrace that! That's just how I'm wired. I'd rather admit that than attempt to pretend to be sexy all the time. I think faking it is the opposite of sexy.

- The theme of the most recent Cosmo event was "Carnival". When you are a bachelor of the next Cosmo event, how would you like to go out on stage?

I'll just go out and be a nut. (Laughs.) I'll probably trip up on the stage! I don't think I could pull off the Magic Mike moves like a lot of the other guys can, so I'd probably just try and get laughs from the crowd. And touch as many hands as possible!

- How was the impromptu photo sesh and what can you say about the fascination of the Cosmo crowd?

That was surreal. I was not expecting that at all! A modeling agent, Lance from IM Agency, took me there to give me a taste of the Filipino entertainment industry. It was 39 degrees outside and there was no shelter. I was overheating something chronic. In Australia when it's that hot, you take your shirt off. All of a sudden I was there for three hours taking photos with people who were lining up to see me. It was so incredibly flattering. It was so cool to meet people who had followed some of the series I had been in or seen me in magazines. I had no idea they would be into those shows over here, so that was a pleasant surprise. The reason I kept going for so long was because everyone who approached me was so kind-hearted. How can you not love being approached by the nicest people on the planet?!

- A message to your Filipino admirers and supporters?

Thank you for the very unexpected admiration and support. Meeting you all has without a doubt been the highlight of my trip. It has made me want to come back very soon for work, so there'll be plenty more opportunities for us to catch up. Until then, keep in touch! Much love from Francis.

Please promote your social media accounts.

Instagram: officialfrancismossman
Photo credits to: