
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Demigods exclusive interview with Kevin Côté | The dreamer who never gives up

Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (42)

It’s a pleasure to have French-Canadian male model on the blog. He shares his journey on how he managed to achieve his dream of becoming a model and his future endeavors.

He describes himself as dedicated, dreamer and friendly.

Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (6)

Name: Kevin Côte

Bithdate: December 24, 1987

Height: 184 cm or 6 feet

Eye Color: dark brown

Hair Color:dark brown 

Nationality: French-Canadian

Current Location: South Korea

How do you keep in shape?
I do so many different workouts since way back then and I always do mistake after mistake, research after research. I always try something different cause I never found (the right one for me). It depends on your body type and your food.

What is the best fitness tip that you can share?
Be an adventure to discover. Enjoy the process, never regret to attempt (new) things even if it becomes worse cause next time you’ll know when something works keep it and change what is needed to be better. I experiment a lot of different food what to eat and when to eat.

Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (2)     Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (3)

What are the things you love to do aside from modeling?
Play guitar, create music... Haha I create music just to remove the bad emotions. I don’t know why I post (them on social media).

What are the things that you find attractive in women?
Lips, eyes, and facial expressions. I like the one who are spicy: I like to see everyone happy but yes mostly a girl who love the life, it will make her more attractive.

Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (12)

Still single?
Yes cause I dream of Hollywood. I do not want put someone between me and my dreams. I prefer to be honest
with everyone.

If you weren't a model, what job would you be doing?
I embraced this idea of modeling since I was 16 years old so for me it’s not possible that I’ll never be a model and actor. All my will was to be what I’m becoming right now. I told you I’m determined.

Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (17)

Have you been to the Philippines yet? If so: How do you find the Philippines? What are the things that you love about it?
Yes, I've been there! Very colorful places, lovely people and amazing city center. I love how people take care of us (foreigners) and I love the fruits hoo my... The fruits are so good! I love bananas, the small ones.

In five years, I will be…?
In 5 years I’ll be in NYC or LA studying acting and continue to do modeling.

Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (20)     Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (21)

It all started at the age of 14 when I met a friend who did martial arts and introduced me in the sport. He was doing Karate.

I decided to workout everyday 2 to 3 times a day. I know I was was being stupid but I had a bad childhood and I finally discovered a way to exit my world. After my life of always moving homes, in video games I try to forget about some passage in my childhood. I discovered that I can create who i wanna become. But since I am 12 in elementary school I was doing abs all the time but eat very bad. I was a kid you know? Hahaha! For me abs was super important. Well then i discovered mix martial arts at age 16 and I started to do kickboxing jujitsu but something happened: a car accident in the same time that this love for the fighting sport. So instead, I was practicing a lot guitar playing around 3-5 hours a day i was passionate to create my own touch electronic music. Also I start mixing with a machine and some old tape machine and microphone plus my keyboard I was passionate by art and I'm drawing all the time but for me it was sure that if wanted to become famous i need to think strategically.

Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (33)

I was a kid from Victoriaville city in the middle of Quebec. A French speaker, far way from Montreal, 3 hour drive around famous music. I wanted to be discovered but I did’nt know how. So i started to do test shooting for fun around all my area. I met so many photographers, newbies, old ones, commercial but I never have the perfect physique or the perfect strategy I just fell in love with the conceptional photo. I was thinking that it’s a good exercise to become an actor. I envy all those kid actors but my family can’t afford to bring me in Montreal they didn’t speak english and do not have any connections.

My parents didn't agree that I go to Montreal at 16 alone. So I decided to visit some fashion photographers but nobody replied to me it took me one year before anyone helped me. Before, I’ve been to some shit agency around my area but they didn’t want to take me. I did some cheap runway and then I found one agency in Montreal. I decided to go there by myself. For me, Montreal was a big city. I'm from a small city of 35,000 person and I passed my entire life in that place so when I finally arrived in Montreal for me it was a shock.

I lost my way so many times, always get parking tickets and then I found my first agency.

Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (27)

I started to work as an extra in a movie and did some tv show. All casting was taking me 2 hours 30 mins drive and 2 h 30 min drive back so it was a real pain. I had a good friend there whose parents had an apartment in Montreal.

It took me 5 years before I met my first real photographer: his name is Vincent Chine. He helped me with my look, my book, and become my mentor. Still today, we shoot so many shoot together and then we become friends. He built my first book (and because of it) I found my first modeling agency: Specs. I've been there for 10 months.

Then i decided to go to NYC to make a test shoot with Rick Day. He did good pictures for me
and after that I shot with Simon Normand, built my book and decided to move to my actual mother agency 
Folio Montréal. In two years after I moved from my city to Montreal I managed to become a real model.

Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (30)

I had to choose between my passion in modeling and music because I love them both but ended up focusing with modeling. I have worked in China, Singapore, South Korea, Indonesia, Philippines, Istanbul, Greece, and South Africa in two years.

Now I'm in Seoul and getting ready with my US working visa.

So You're going to invade US and the Hollywood?
Yes but right after my NYC agency contract, I’ll pursue to go to Milan because it is my dream be a Dolce & Gabbana and CK campaign model.

One last thing, any words  for your fans?
If you have a dream let nobody take it. Fight for your rights cause the day you stop to dream it means your dead. Some days it’ll be hard but it it’ll make you stronger for the next step. Just believe in yourself. Get inspired, share and inspire others in return. That how winning is done. And last word: enjoy the process.

My motto is “Never Give Up” but learn how to balance your life.


Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (1)    Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (4)
Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (9)   Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (10)   Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (5)
Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (7)   Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (8)   Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (11)
Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (13)   Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (14)   Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (15)
Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (16)   Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (18)
Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (19)   Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (22)   Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (24)
Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (26)   Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (23)
Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (28)   Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (29)
Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (31)   Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (36)
Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (38)   Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (39)   Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (35)
Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (40)   Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (41)
Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (46)   Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (42)
Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (43)   Kevin Cote model - DEMIGODS (44)

Follow Kevin Cote on his Facebook and Instagram page.

Don’t forget about us when you’re already in NYC and Paris!

Interview by Jayson Dima-angay

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