
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Philippines’ top modeling agencies battle it out in Garage magazine’s “Model army” editorial

Elite Manila 1

Garage magazine lists the top five modeling agencies in the Philippines today and features their current roster of male models.

According to Garage, the top five modeling agencies in the country today are Elite Manila, Ideal People models, Reco modeling agency, Mercator Artist and Model management, and IM Agency.

First on the list is Elite Manila which is known for having foreign models mostly and high fashion looks. Silver, Mark McMahon’s dog is included on the shoot but sadly, he passed away a few days ago.

Elite Manila male models:

Bruno Amora (Brazilian), Keane Robinson (Fil-British), Kyle Greer (American), Tommy Esguerra (Fil-American), Rafael Do Prado (Brazilian [Half German, Quarter Spanish and Quarter Italian]), Mark McMahon (Fil-British), Wesley Pereira (Brazilian), Italo Laurenthie (Brazilian)

The model lineup should have been better with Callum David and Charlie Matthews, agree?

Check out the four top modeling agencies after the jump…

Ideal People management 1

Ideal People model management is also a modeling agency which consists mostly of foreign models. In the picture above only one of the models have Filipino blood.

Ideal People model management male models:

Ildar Ziangirov (Ukranian), Nicolas Cacciavillani (Argentinian), Anderson Fernandes (Brazilian), Rodrigo Bezerra (Brazilian), Fabio Grazioli (Fil-Italian), Joao Marques (Brazilian), Andrey Davidenko (American), Pedro Fernandez (Brazilian), João Chiaffitelli (Brazilian)

Reco modeling agency 1

Reco modeling agency is a mixture of commercial and runway models.

According to my source, Reco confirmed 16 male models for the shoot (the most number of models) but apparently, only six of them showed up. Too bad!

Where are John Spainhour, Clint Bondad, Vince Ferraren, and Sam Ajdani when you need them? It could have been so much better with Reco’s banner hunks.

Reco modeling agency male models:

Caio Paiva (Brazilian), Christian Williams (British), Ali Beithardan (Persian), Pierre Trinignant (French), Kevin Côté (Quebec), Marneil Anthony (Fil-American).

Mercator artist and model management 1

Mercator Artist and Model Management specializes in commercial and fashion models and tv personalities.

Mercator might have the most number of models for this editorial but only half of this group are actually officially associated with their agency.

Terence Lloyd originally came from Elite, Sam Ajdani’s biggest jobs came from Reco, and Adryan Hanson came from IM Agency. Whatever happened to loyalty?

Mercator Artist and Model Management male models:

Nat Kiefer, Hideo Muraoka (Brapanese), Terence Lloyd (Fil-British), Darhyl Rose, Osny Fernandez (Brazilian), Adran Hanson (Fil-Canadian), Jovic Susim (Filipino), Sam Ajdani (Fil-Persian), Rob Ricafort (Filipino), Kevin Redder (Fil-American)

IM Agency

IM Agency specializes in both commercial and fashion models.

Contrary to beliefs that IM Agency is consisted mostly of foreign models, here they are showing everyone that their agency believes in Filipino models.

They have the most variety of models from chinito, caucasian, androgynous, to Pinoy looks.

IM Agency male models:

Quito Trenas (Filipino), Carlo Romero (Fil-American), Amadeo Leandro (Brazilian), Bruce Venida (Filipino), Tim Bautista (Filipino), Samir Ayeb (Dutch), Thiago Guenther (Brazilian), Kirst Viray (Filipino), Jiro Shirakawa (Fil-Japanese)

If you are a model who seeks representation, you can pretty much base on these photos which top agency suits your looks.

Which modeling agency do you like best?

Buy your copies of Garage magazine September 2013 issue.

Photography by Philippines’ Top Fashion Photographer Doc Marlon Pecjo

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