
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Demigods of the day: Nicholas Pletts and Campbell Pletts

Nicholas Pletts and Campbell Pletts (8)

Hot South African twins Nicholas Pletts and Campbell Pletts are the demigods of the day.

Nicholas Pletts and Campbell Pletts (7)

It’s the first time we are having two demigods for a day! Thanks to Photographer Mherck Caponpon for capturing these precious brotherly moments.

Nicholas Pletts and Campbell Pletts (4)

Nicholas Pletts and Campbell Pletts (3)

Nicholas Pletts and Campbell Pletts (2)

Nicholas Pletts and Campbell Pletts (5)

Nicholas Pletts and Campbell Pletts (6)

Nicholas Pletts and Campbell Pletts (1)

Just amazing. Thanks, Mherck!

Stylist: Mandy Milla C

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