
Friday, October 21, 2011

Waking Up to Abs Abdelkader's Twitpic

Abs Abdelkader


Abs Abdelkader, the man with the killer 8-pack abs, just joined Twitter!


I just followed him last October 17 and I am feeling lots of good vibes from him. He spreads positivity everyday like wildfire!


This morning, I woke up seeing his twitpic…


Wanna see the full image? Check it out after the jump!

Hmm… I just learned that I am Abs’s number 8th follower… Teehee! <3


He tweeted:


Abs Abdelkader tweet


So I clicked his link (does that sound ok? LOL) and here’s his surprise!


Abs Abdelkader


You should click on the photo to see a larger image (if that pic is not large enough for you hahaha!)


He reminded me of my old crush Renato Ferreira who I used to follow on Twitter. Renato posts real large images of himself there and updates his followers often. I just grew tired of him cuz we’re not Facebook friends. I use Facebook a LOT and if you’re not in there, then I’ll forget you. Hahaha! XD


I’m just looking forward to more twitpics from Abs. :)


See you on Wednesday!


Follow Abs Abdelkader on Twitter @abs_8


Please Follow me on Facebook and Twitter!