
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Jayemania: Part 3

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I wasn’t ready for this.

Jayem has a cosplay partner that night.

More pics after the jump!

Jayem suddenly rushed to grab somebody from the pool of cosplayers. She was another cosplayer and then quickly, they were being shot by the photographers…

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I didn’t understand why they were together the whole time til after I reviewed the pics that night.

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Their costumes kinda look-alike. So… They were partners! I really didn’t have a clue.

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Maybe I should start cosplaying too so I could be partners with Jayem. I could be Nuriko and he’ll be Tamahome from Fushiigi Yugi! LOL!!!

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BTW, I dunno who the girl is cosplaying… (Sorry if she’s no longer part of the pictures)

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How can anyone not shriek at the sight of him? It takes a lot of discipline, believe me.

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Even straight guys turn gay when they see him. I heard someone say…

“Ayan na ayan na pre papicture ka na!!!” (‘Hey hey there, you can have your picture taken with him, hurry up!) says a group of guys to their guy friend.

And then another one says, “Shet pre nakakabakla!” (Shit man he’s turning me gay!)

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Seeing him flexing those abs… (faint!)

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It was already 5:30pm that time when I felt hungry. Partly, it was because of too much staring at Jayem’s body (hey I know what you’re thinking! But you’re wrong! I felt hungry because I know how much diet he had just to achieve that body!).

So I left SMX and went to Chowking. I ordered my fave Spicy Chao fan with Lumpia toppings and iced tea.

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Nomnomnom… slurp… slurp… :3

To Be Continued…

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