
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Revisiting Vince Cañizares

Classes are suspended! Hurrayy!!!

And for that, I have more times for blogging!

Today, let's all revisit Vince Cañizares, Cebuano hottie and Greenwich commercial model.

The first time I took notice of Vince was when he became Penshoppe's model. Just look at that bod!

Vince with Victor Basa. Battle of the abs!!!

Vince is a Filipino-Spanish model who is currently based in Cebu, Philippines.

I was soo crazy over him during the Penshoppe days. I actually learned that my coworker that time was Vince's classmate in Cebu!

My friend says that Vince would often wear sando during PE class, revealing his tight body! Ugh! I wish we were classmates!!!

One time, I was at Powerbooks Greenbelt (my fave hangout) checking out the latest mags. I spotted a cutie from afar. I said to myself, OMG there's a cutie up there I just have to chunky-check him out!

 The guy looked like a foreigner to me from afar. And so I saw him and- it was Vince Cañizares! He's drop dead gorgeous!!!

Nowadays, you can spot Vince on the Greenwich ads... Flexing his biceps!

I just miss him. That's all.

Oh yeah. I remember seeing him at last year's Cosmo Bachelor bash! He was not topless though. Sad.

Hmmm... wait. I've an idea. How about making him one of this year's Cosmo Bachelors? Not bad right?

Follow him on his Facebook page.

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